In the Empire building period of the West, the men who cross-dressed as priests played an important part in condemning the body, sex and women as the sources of sin, temptation and decadence. Men represented the triumph of Reason, and the disenchantment of Nature as source of all life. In more recent times these tranny-priests made a deal with the men in suits who preached the new religion of money and a new age dawned where Nature - already feminised - was ripe for rape and abuse.
We all carry a queer shaman within us, it is time to seek out character and bring it into action to bring about an end to the destruction of our ecosystem, an end to land- grabbing practises which displace indigenous peoples, an end to the exploitation of workers with precarious contracts. We need to invent new rituals with the power to change the collective subconscious and deprogramme the years of capitalist brainwashing and which can help to construct a true community of equals.
In this climate I suggest a new ritual which will help us to take this vital step forward to heal ourselves and to Heal the World Bank.
Valencia 20/6/2012
Valencia: 21/12/2012 (end of the solar cycle accordingto the Mayan calendar and winter solstice in the
northern hemisphere)
(above & left) Madrid: 25/5/ 2013